Site: M-Class Creative
Service: Graphic Design, Art Direction, Corporate Identity
Hey guys here's a look at my completely re-branded freelance graphic design business' website. I've been working on it for a few weeks now and by working i mean starting and stopping work in between family gatherings, visiting friends, and working at my other job. Its been a challenge to say the least but I'm really happy with how its coming along. I've still got a laundry list of other things that have to be done before I'm 100% ready to relaunch my freelance business but its coming along swimmingly.

Site: MissTomei.com
Service: personal art portfolio, animation, illustration, children's book illustration
I also decided to make another site completely dedicated to my digital and fine arts. There you will be able to purchase prints, commission artwork, and keep up with my animated works as well. As you can see, there is still much to be done with this site but I'm pleased with the layout and I wanted its color scheme to echo my scheme here on the blog to maintain continuity.
with all that being said, I hope you all are enjoying your New Year and its off to a positive and productive start!!
*photo credit: Marisa Scott, Google, iStock Photography