My ideal color scheme: monochromatic neutrals, mixed with graphic patterns, textural fabrics, fur, and shots of color

I had to choose this image for the abstract painting, I loved all the watery blue hues and I plan on doing a series of these for my home.

This wallpaper and crawford ceiling is EVERYTHING to me and I love the balance that symmetry creates but its also fun to go for asymmetry when designing.

So in love with these dark floors, chandelier, modern screen and that huge pane of glass that lets in tons of light. Its my dream to have a house with large windows, I'm such a huge fan of natural light.

thanks Jazzy! ;)
oh my goodness, i'm so inspired by all of this! these photos are way stunning. i love ooo-ing and ah-ing interior design! <3 EverRubyGirl.blogspot.com
I know I can't stop looking at them too! lol
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