Saturday, February 9, 2013

Flowers, Lace, and Cupcakes

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Hey guys, if you follow me on Instagram then you know I've been working on a few projects here and there for the bestie's bridal shower. Here are a couple of shots from today's festivities and a couple of shots of what I wore. I can't tell you how stoked I was that it was actually warm enough to wear this dress from Asos!! (high 60's today) I don't know how I'm going to make it in the NYC weather for next week's trip lol I'm beyond spoiled when it comes to spring-like weather in the winter. LOL, anyway hope you guys enjoy the post and outfit deets are below :D

Today's bridal shower outfit:
Dress: Asos
Shoes: Steve Madden pumps
Arm swag: my grandma

I finished my day with a topknot lol
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Unknown said...

That dress is so pretttyyy! :)

Would you like to follow eah other? =)

Heather said...

those cupcakes look DELICIOUS!!

Marisa said...

Hey guys! Thanks so much for the comments. I'll totally be following you back Ivana! Yea I kinda went overboard on eating cupcakes lol but they turned out great :D