Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Work Related.

*photo credits: google, yahoo,, ASOS

I've got a few meetings next month in Chicago and I needed some inspiration for possible outfits. Its always a toss up with me on work attire as to how creative I want to be with my ensembles since I work in the creative industry or should I be more conservative. When I was in school I always got lumped in with the fashion majors, I guess because the average female animation major was frolicking around campus in tutus or mouse ears or nothing wrong with that but I can't show up to interviews with mouse ears...or can I...?!



Claire said...

Oh, I love your fashion blogs. you have such great taste!

Marisa said...

lol thanks girlie, i had been sketching last night to do an actual art post but its so hard for me to sketch at work, its like i can't even get the lines i'm drawing to look the way i want.

Dara U said...

love that last photo! so prety