Flyer design for W.O.R.T.H Organization's Light The Fire Event
the first picture is the back of the flyer and the second is the front.
I really enjoyed working with WORTH its a great organization that does
really phenomenal work.
A Little About WORTH
site: http://youreworthit.org/yw/
W.O.R.T.H. is dedicated to establishing programs and initiatives designed to educate and raise international awareness around sexual violence in the Congo. We are also committed to foregrounding the global implications of sexual violence against women worldwide by working from individual, community based, and global levels. At this point, W.O.R.T.H. is an advocacy organization. We are, therefore, not currently providing direct services to survivors of sexual violence.
At a grassroots level, W.O.R.T.H. is building partnerships with key organizations in the DRC to address what is needed on the ground. W.O.R.T.H. has raised money for Panzi Hospital in the DRC. Panzi Hospital is the primary hospital in South Kivu that specializes in treating traumatic fistula; in fact, it is the only hospital in South Kivu performing fistula repair operations. Each year, more than 3500 women come to the hospital in need of counseling or surgical treatment.
W.O.R.T.H. initiatives support efforts to address the intersection of physical, emotional and economic trauma associated with sexual violence. W.O.R.T.H. is currently working towards establishing a transition house in the Congo for women and children who are affected by sexual violence.
At a community level, W.O.R.T.H. seeks to organize communities through education initiatives, including awareness raising campaigns and fundraisers organized by students on campuses across North America.
W.O.R.T.H. continues to establish and expand opportunities for you to volunteer in your own community! There is always something you can do and it is never too big or too small a task. Representatives of W.O.R.T.H. will do our best to provide you with information, useful resources and informative materials that you may need to help raise awareness in your community.
By staying up to date through our mailing list and through our website, you will be the first to know about fundraising events in your community. Events will be organized and run by fellow W.O.R.T.H. volunteers in your community (with our help and support) and you can join these W.O.R.T.H. chapters today!
W.O.R.T.H.’s 1st Annual Benefit was held in New York City on International Women’s Day, 2008. With the generosity of our incredible sponsors, hosts, performers and special guests, it was a huge success. Each year, a different city will play host to the big event!
At a global level, W.O.R.T.H. is dedicated to putting pressure on world leaders through the building up of collectives. These initiatives will be aimed at ensuring that voices are heard and faces are seen. We intend on reaching out to Congress in the US; to Parliament in Canada; and to global leaders and activists around the world to ensure that violence against women worldwide is on every agenda and made a key priority. Our goal is to reach out to the international community and ensure that we are no longer the guilty bystanders turning a blind eye to the deadliest war since World War II.
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