FAQ 1. Do you have a relaxer?
Answer: I haven't had a relaxer in over 2 years, I currently use a flat iron to straighten my hair
FAQ 2. What products do you use on your hair?
Answer: See below :D
FAQ 3. How often do you wash your hair?
Answer: I wash my hair with shampoo once a week and I co-wash my hair once a week.
Here are the products I'm currently using and am in the process of ordering:

(products: Garnier's triple moisture shampoo, nutrition spray, and 3-Minute Undo mask. Organix Brazilian keratin therapy conditioner, Anti Breakage serum, Flat-Iron Spray and Coconut Milk Anti-Breakage serum)
These are the goods I use when I straighten my hair with my flat Iron. I love the Garnier triple moisture system because my hair has a tendency to get really dry since its so thick so it literally just soaks up all of the moisture it provides. I just started using the Organix Karetin line and so far I'm really liking the results, I completely addicted to the flat iron spray and the anti breakage serum and they smell divine!

(products: Karen's Body Beautiful's Secret Weapon Restorative Hair Treatment, Super Duper Hydrating Hair Cream,Hold It Hair Gel w/ Argan Oil, Super Silky Leave-in Conditioner, and Hair Blossom Moisture Mist)
These are the products I plan to buy and use for my hair when I wear it curly. I've heard a lot of great things about it from a friend who recently chopped 7 inches off of her hair and has already seen some amazing results in just 3 months. My plan is to go completely heat free for at least 3 months and just see how it goes. My hair has grown a lot in the past few months and I think it would grow even faster if I stopped using heat to straighten it. So I'll definitley keep you guys posted on my curls and the process/progress!! Wish me luck!!
Here are a few of my fav straight hairstyles that I absolutely love, I'll post a part2 to this one once I find some curly styles that I dig for my face shape and hair type, If you guys have any suggestions feel free to send me links!!

I hope you guys enjoyed the post and please leave me comments on things you all have tried on your hair to promote healthy growth and length retention! To order or learn more about the products I've shown please visit:
I try to cut the ends every month, your hair is growing fuller and thicker really within a few months.
Amazing post dear and gorgeous blog!
Following you on GFC and Bloglovin, hope you'll follow me back! <3
@Tessa thanks for the tip, I've been slacking on keeping my ends cut but I'll definitely keep better track of it from now on :)
@Marella Thank you so much hun!! I'll definitely follow you back!!!
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